Contract Amount: $2,500,000.00
The Emiquon Preserve project consists of constructing a day use area which includes:
- Erosion and sediment control
- Site clearing
- Grading and filling
- Concrete crushing of stockpiled concrete for use rip rap
- Aggregate surfaced roadways and parking areas and gravel trails
- Rip rap revetments on designated graded slopes
- Boardwalks on timber pile supports with handrails and bird panels
- Wetlands and Bottomlands Pavilions on timber piles
- Utility (sculpture) poles and other furnishings at pavilions
- Culverts with rock outlet protection
- Asphalt paved entrances off State Highway 78
- Concrete boat ramp with gravel parking area
- Park entrance sign and observation signage
- Canoe launch platform (modular floating docks) and canoe racks
- Landscape plantings, barrier gates
- Miscellaneous site furnishings